Let The Teaching Begin
I have just been assigned to teach the pre-school bible class at church. I have 2 children in this age group. I believe there are 6 children attending the class.
I would like to keep a diary of my thoughts, successes, failures and general information about teaching this class. We will start Sunday learning about Gideon.
I look forward to both teaching the class and blogging about it afterwards.
- Gideon Introduction
- First Class Went Well
- Gideon And The Fleece
- Yesterday We Had A Great Class
- First Wednesday Night With The Preschoolers
- Gideon Reduces The Size Of His Army
- Consider Gideon’s Army Reduced
- The Battle Begins
- The Battle Continues
- Class Time Is Too Short
- Emphasis Torch And Pitcher
- Gideon’s Last Lesson
Click here to see and hear the song, Gideon, A Mighty Man of Valor, that is used during these lessons.
Gideon Introduction
I’ve been working all week preparing to teach Gideon to ages 2-4. This age is so visual and there just isn’t a whole lot available to use.ÿ I finally found a copy of a small book about Gideon (I think it originally came from Grace Publications). The book is supposed to be used as a take home. It had rhyming text on each page. I enlarged the pictures and made a flip chart, using my own words to tell the story.
Since Gideon was a wheat farmer, I’m going to use The Beginner’s Bible cards to explain what a farmer does. There is a card for preparing the ground, planting, harvesting, making flour and baking bread.
I understand this particular class can have some behavior issues. I’m going to use a battery operated candle to start the class. We will sing This Little Light of Mind with the candle turned on. I will leave the candle on during the entire class. If behavior becomes an issue, I’ll turn the candle off and talk about how important it is to let our lights shine.
My lessons plan is as follows:
This Little Light Of Mine
Jesus Loves Me
A Great Big Squeak
Hop! Goes the Frog
Where is …?
Pass out crackers — discuss how they came from a farmer.
Read Farmer Cards as they eat crackers.
Pass out Gideon puzzles (handmade 4 or 8 piece puzzle with picture of Gideon and his wheat).
Discuss how Gideon was a farmer and how the Midianites were taking away the food he grew.
Pass out Bibles — talk about what the Bible is, who it came from and how we should treat it.
Move to Storytime area (floor).
Read Gideon Flip Chart.
Read Story of Gideon from The Beginner’s Bible story book.
I’m a Hero!
Marching Song
Talk about books of the Bible.
Using chart on wall sing NT books song.
Return to table
Do B-I-B-L-E activity.
Put Bibles away.
Road Runner
Go To The Ant Thou Sluggard
This is my plan. I’ll let you know how it goes.
First Class Went Well
Yesterday was my first time teaching the preschool class in years. It was fun. We learned some new songs and actually got through most of the activities I had planned. The ones we didn’t finish we’ll save for another day.
My battery operated candle was introduced as way to help modify behavior. I had to turn the candle off 3 times. And I’m sorry to say it was my own child that was culprit all 3 times. He is just 2 1/2 and was in the class for the first time. His old class had the baby seats that he couldn’t get out of. Now, he’s sitting (or trying to sit) in regular chairs.
We won’t be having Bible class this Wednesday night. We have our monthly singing on the first Wednesday of each month. That gives me a whole week before next lesson. We’ll be discussing Gideon and the sign of the fleece.
Gideon and the Fleece
This lesson is actually more about what fleece is and where it came from than about Gideon. I’ll talk more about Gideon on Wednesday.
The class should follow the same format as last Sunday. The only difference is that instead of talking about farmers and what they did, we’ll talk about sheep/shepherds. I hope the children will understand what Gideon did as a farmer (last weeks topic) and know how important sheep were to the people of Gideon’s time. Wednesday night when we talk in depth about the fleece signs, they should know what it’s all about.
Just as I did with the farmer pictures, I made a flip chart to illustrate sheep. It includes pictures of sheep being taken care of, being defended from wild animals, in the sheep fold at night, and being shorn. It then goes into the process of spinning, dying and weaving.
I don’t always have a take home project, but there will be one this week. It’s the basic sheep project. I folded a piece of card stock (8 1/2 x 11) in half. Then glued a simple picture of a sheep on the front. Inside, there is room to glue scraps of fabric and a picture of a carton of milk. This is to remind them that sheep were used for clothing as well as for food.
I found pictures to illustrate the new songs from last week. I found pictures of a frog, ants and mice. I will, eventually, glue the song to the back of picture.
Each class session this month, I will present the entire story of Gideon. I’ll either use the flip chart, flannel graph, or story books.
My lesson plan is as follows:
This Little Light Of Mine
Turn on candle. Remind them that as long as they are good the candle will stay on. If they misbehave, the candle goes out.
Jesus Loves Me
A Great Big Squeak (With pic of mice)
Hop! Goes the Frog (With pic of frog)
Where is …?
Pass out pieces of cheese. Ask them if they know where cheese comes from. Tell them that in Bible times cheese usually came from sheep or goat’s milk.
Read Sheep flip chart while they enjoy the cheese.
Pass out Gideon puzzles (handmade 4 or 8 piece puzzle with picture of Gideon and his wheat)
Remind them how Gideon was a farmer and how the Midianites were taking away the food he grew.
Pass out Bibles — talk about what the Bible is, who it came from and how we should treat it.
Do B-I-B-L-E activity
Move to Storytime area (floor)with Bibles.
Tell them that God tells us about Gideon in the Bible.
Read Gideon Flip Chart
and/or Read Story of Gideon from The Beginner’s Bible story book.
Pass basket to put Bibles back in.
I’m a Hero!
Marching Song
Talk about books of the Bible Using chart on wall sing NT books song.
Return to table.
If there’s time go over farmer flip chart.
Road Runner
Go To The Ant Thou Sluggard (use ant pic)
Yesterday We Had A Great Class
Yesterday was good. Benjamin (my 2 1/2 year old) stayed in his seat. The other little one that is new to class participated more. Everyone seemed to remember what was taught last week. The candle went out twice, but it was early in the class.
I still haven’t gotten to everything on the lesson plan, but that’s okay. Wednesday night we get to talk about Gideon’s request from God for a sign.
First Wednesday Night With The Preschoolers
Tonight I was a little frazzled. I didn’t really know what the problem was until I got to class and realized that I hadn’t written out a lesson plan. I’ve been putting them on this blog, not only to make me accountable, but I print it off and take it with me to class. Then I put it with the rest of the materials to be used the next time around.
The reason I was all frazzled last night is that I spent some time working on some extras for the class. I added a poster of Gideon. I usually decorate large using an overhead to trace the characters almost life size. I really didn’t have the time for that this time around. So, I scanned a colorful picture I had of Gideon and using PrintMaster Gold printed it out poster size. It turned out really nice. Next month we will be studying Samson and the following Samuel. I plan to do the same thing.
I also added attendance charts. Glued a picture of Gideon carrying his torch and trumpet onto a piece of black construction paper. The kids will add colorful torches each time they come to class.
These weren’t absolutely necessary items — that’s why I put it off until now — but they do add a lot to the room and give me more chances to review the story of Gideon with them.
So, since I didn’t do a lesson plan ahead of time and I need one to put in the Gideon Box, here is either what I did, or what I should’ve done:
This Little Light Of Mine
Turn on candle. Remind them that as long as they are good the candle will stay on. If they misbehave, the candle goes out.
Pass out Gideon puzzles (handmade 4 or 8 piece puzzle with picture of Gideon and his wheat)
Sing: Gideon — A Mighty Man of Valor (Click here to learn/view the song about Gideon)
Remind them how Gideon was a farmer and how the Midianites were taking away the food he grew.
Read Sheep flip chart . Stress the part about shearing the sheep and what fleece is.
Discuss in detail about the sign of the fleece. I had a tent someone made (really nice visual) and a man (Gideon). When he asked God to give him the sign, I laid a piece of faux sheep skin in front of the tent and Gideon went inside to go to sleep. I told all the kids to pretend like they were asleep. While their heads were down and their eyes shut, I dipped the fleece in some water I brought to class. I told them to wake up and Gideon came out of the tent and saw the wet fleece. Then we did it again with dry fleece.
Passed out smaller pieces of fleece. Each child was allowed to get one of his fleece wet. These were laid aside to take home.
Move to Storytime area (floor)with Bibles
Pass out Bibles — talk about what the Bible is, who it came from and how we should treat it.
Do B-I-B-L-E activity. (I made cards that have the letters B-I-B-L-E on them. I laid them out on the floor and we sang the BIBLE song. Then I gave each child one and told them to stand up. When their letter was called they could sit down. We sang the song again. Then when their letter was called again — at the end of the song — they stood up. Then, I asked them to hand me their card and to sit down when I said their letter. They all seemed to enjoy this activity — even the little ones)
Tell them that God tells us about Gideon in the Bible.
Read Gideon Flip Chart.
Pass basket to put Bibles back in. Next time I will have them put the Bible up before we go over the story. They couldn’t handle having something in their hands.
I’m a Hero!
A Great Big Squeak (With pic of mice)
Hop! Goes the Frog (With pic of frog)
Go To The Ant O Sluggard (With Ant pic)
Return to table.
Prayer — Using prayer box. I need to talk to the previous teacher and see how she did this. They didn’t like my method:)
Gideon Reduces The Size Of His Army
This lesson is a fun one to teach. The children will be able to act out the story of God whittling down Gideon’s army by choosing the ones that drink a certain way.
Lesson plan is as follows:
This Little Light Of Mine
Turn on candle. Remind them that as long as they are good the candle will stay on. If they misbehave, the candle goes out.
Pass out Gideon puzzles (handmade 4 or 8 piece puzzle with picture of Gideon and his wheat)
Sing: Gideon — A Mighty Man of Valor (Click here to learn/view the song about Gideon)
Remind them how Gideon was a farmer and how the Midianites were taking away the food he grew.
Read farmer flip chart.
Because the Midianites stole Gideon’s food, God told Gideon he would help him defeat the Midianites. When Gideon called together his army, it was much too large. God wanted them to know that they defeated the Midianites because He was with them, not because they were so mighty.
Today we will act out the part where God told Gideon to choose only the men that drank water by bringing the water up with their hands. This left just 300 men.
Move to Storytime area (floor)with Bibles
Pass out Bibles — talk about what the Bible is, who it came from and how we should treat it.
Do B-I-B-L-E activity.
Tell them that God tells us about Gideon in the Bible.
Return Bible to basket.
Read Gideon Flip Chart.
I’m a Hero!
A Great Big Squeak (With pic of mice)
Hop! Goes the Frog (With pic of frog)
Go To The Ant O Sluggard (With Ant pic)
Return to table.
Prayer — Using prayer box. I need to talk to the previous teacher and see how she did this. They didn’t like my method:) (I still need to do this)
Consider Gideon’s Army Reduced
Class went well today. I wasn’t exactly sure how we were going to go about acting out Gideon choosing his army. This morning as I was getting ready I decided to use a light blue blanket we had in our linen closet. I laid it out on the floor to resemble a river. The kids were told to pretend to drink from the “river” which ever way they wanted too. Well, I had just discussed the story with them and they knew that the ones who lapped the water up in their hands would be chosen. Everyone of them did it that way. I’m sure they’ll want to do it again Wednesday night.
The Battle Begins
In this lesson we will discuss the use of the trumpets in the story. We will discuss what was used for a trumpet and why they used trumpets.
Last week they were showing that they needed more variety in telling the story. So, this time we will do the flip chart at the table at the beginning of the lesson and move to the floor to tell the story with flannel graph pictures.
This Little Light Of Mine
Turn on candle. Remind them that as long as they are good the candle will stay on. If they misbehave, the candle goes out.
Pass out Gideon puzzles (handmade 4, 6 or 8 piece puzzle with picture of Gideon choosing the men for his army)
Sing: Gideon — A Mighty Man of Valor (Click here to learn/view the song about Gideon)
Show Trumpet flip charts. Then pass out trumpets made from squares of regular paper formed into a 3d trumpet shape). Let them pretend to blow their trumpets. Take up trumpets until the end of the class.

Read Gideon Flip Chart
Move to Storytime area (floor)with Bibles
Pass out Bibles — talk about what the Bible is, who it came from and how we should treat it.
Do B-I-B-L-E activity.
Tell them that God tells us about Gideon in the Bible.
Return Bible to basket.
Tell story from flannel graph.
I’m a Hero!
A Great Big Squeak (With pic of mice)
Hop! Goes the Frog (With pic of frog)
Go To The Ant O Sluggard (With Ant pic)
Return to table.
Prayer — Using prayer box.
The Battle Continues
As we draw to the end of the month, the battle of Gideon is our main focus. We have discussed how God chose Gideon, the signs Gideon asked for and how God told him to choose his army. Each week the children have heard the entire story. As the month draws to a close (and I begin focusing on next month’s lesson) we will be doing review. There will also be time for some extra activities we haven’t had much time to spend on.
My lesson plan for tomorrow morning is:
This Little Light Of Mine
Turn on candle. Remind them that as long as they are good the candle will stay on. If they misbehave, the candle goes out.
Pass out Gideon puzzles (handmade 4, 6 or 8 piece puzzle with picture of Gideon choosing the men for his army)
Sing: Gideon — A Mighty Man of Valor (Click here to learn/view the song about Gideon)
Read Gideon Flip Chart
Demonstrate the signs again using the water and “sheepskin”.
Move to Storytime area (floor)with Bibles
Pass out Bibles — talk about what the Bible is, who it came from and how we should treat it.
Do B-I-B-L-E activity.
Tell them that God tells us about Gideon in the Bible.
Return Bibles to basket.
Tell story from flannel graph.
I’m a Hero!
A Great Big Squeak (With pic of mice)
Hop! Goes the Frog (With pic of frog)
Go To The Ant O Sluggard (With Ant pic)
Review New Testament Books.
Return to table.
Prayer — Using prayer box.
If time allows discuss manners during worship.
Class Time Is Too Short
We had a great class Sunday. I’m finding that we just don’t have enough time one Sunday morning. We have about 10 more minutes on Wednesday night. That’s perfect. I didn’t get to use the flannelgraph story (which my Jonathan begged for). But we did get to do something I failed to put on the lesson plan.
We have 2 trees on the wall with a “clothes line” in between. I had 4 pictures of our story of Gideon. We reviewed the story and I then passed out the pictures (to the older ones). They then got to put their picture on the “clothes line” in the order it happened.

Tonight I made a black light story for Gideon. I’ll try it out tomorrow night.
I have a total of 5 ways to tell Gideon’s story — flannel graph, flip chart, black light, sequencing, objects (tent, farmer, sheep’s skin). Then there are 3 different magnet puzzles, attendance chart, poster on wall, story about farmers, and story about sheep, and a song that all give me the opportunity to review parts of the story. That seems to be a good variety to keep them interested.
Torches and Pitchers
Tonight we will discuss in more detail how Gideon used the torches and pitchers to win the battle. I made torches and pitchers. They are easy to make. The instructions for them are:
1 piece of cardstock
1 piece of construction paper (mine was cut to 12″X12″)
1/4 piece orange tissue paper
Starting at short end, roll up cardstock to about the diameter of a toilet tissue roll (in fact, a toilet tissue roll would work great. I just didn’t have enough). Tape securely.
Grab hold piece of tissue paper in the middle. Squeeze to a size to slip into the tube.
Make a pitcher out of constrution paper. I used the folding method to make a piece of paper into a cup. If you want detailed instructions, e-mail me.

My lesson plan is as follows:
This Little Light Of Mine
Turn on candle. Remind them that as long as they are good the candle will stay on. If they misbehave, the candle goes out.
Pass out Gideon puzzles (handmade 4, 6 or 8 piece puzzle with picture of Gideon with his trumpet and torch)
Sing: Gideon — A Mighty Man of Valor (Click here to learn/view the song about Gideon)
Do Blacklight story of Gideon.
Talk about the torches.
Pass out torches. After they’ve got the idea, take them back up to send home.
Move to Storytime area (floor)with Bibles
Pass out Bibles — talk about what the Bible is, who it came from and how we should treat it.
Do B-I-B-L-E activity.
Tell them that God tells us about Gideon in the Bible.
Return Bibles to basket.
Tell story from flannel graph.
I’m a Hero!
A Great Big Squeak (With pic of mice)
Hop! Goes the Frog (With pic of frog)
Go To The Ant O Sluggard (With Ant pic)
Do sequencing cards about Gideon.
Review New Testament Books.
Return to table.
Prayer — Using prayer box.
If time allows discuss manners during worship.
Pass out trumpets to take home.
Gideon’s Last Lesson
Tomorrow morning will be our last lesson on Gideon. Next week we start with Samson. It has been a fun study. The kids seem to have an understanding of most of the basic facts. They can even put the events in order.
Wednesday night’s class went well. They really liked the black light story. The torches/pitchers were received well once I convinced them they weren’t trumpets.
My lesson plan for tomorrow is:
This Little Light Of Mine
Turn on candle. Remind them that as long as they are good the candle will stay on. If they misbehave, the candle goes out.
Pass out Gideon puzzles. We’ve done all 3 of the puzzles. I may give out different ones to all the kids. Then let them tell me about their puzzle.
Sing: Gideon — A Mighty Man of Valor (Click here to learn/view the song about Gideon)
Do Blacklight story of Gideon.
Move to Storytime area (floor)with Bibles
Pass out Bibles — talk about what the Bible is, who it came from and how we should treat it.
Do B-I-B-L-E activity.
Tell them that God tells us about Gideon in the Bible.
Return Bibles to basket.
Tell story with flip chart.
Do sequencing cards about Gideon.
I’m a Hero!
A Great Big Squeak (With pic of mice)
Hop! Goes the Frog (With pic of frog)
I May Never March…
Review New Testament Books.
Return to table.
Prayer — Using prayer box.
If time allows discuss manners during worship.
Those are Glenda Schales’ songs. Here is a link to her book Through The Bible With Songs.
Hi Diana,
Do you have the words to some of the songs listed on your site: A Great Big Squeak, and Hop Goes the Frog? Thanks so much. I really appreciate all your work!!!