
by | Mar 9, 2012 | Preschool | 2 comments


This is definitely a favorite story for pre-schoolers. Samson has all kinds of action and adventure that keeps you on the edge of your seat. The lesson plans below were used to teach my pre-school Bible class during a regular Bible class setting.


Below is a list of the lessons taught. Scroll down to view each lesson.

  • Samson The Nazirite
  • Samson The Nazirite Again
  • All’s Well With Samson
  • Samson’s Riddle
  • Samson Was Very Strong
  • Samson Was Very Strong 2
  • Samson Loses His Strength
  • Samson — Our Final Lesson

Listen/View the song Samson by Diana Dow

Samson The Nazirite

This month (November) we will be learning about Samson. Tomorrow we will discuss the instructions the angel gave Manoah and his wife about baby Samson. He was to be raised a Nazirite. My class will learn that he was not to drink wine or cut his hair.

This has been a realy busy week. Our gospel meeting starts tomorrow (with RJ Stevens) and I’m having several people over for lunch. So, I asked for some help getting this lesson together. Thanks to all of you that were so willing to help.

My lesson plan is:

This Little Light Of Mine
Turn on candle. Remind them that as long as they are good the candle will stay on. If they misbehave, the candle goes out. This worked really well last month, so we’ll keep doing it.

Nazirite Flip Chart

Sing: Samson (Click here to hear/view the song Samson)

Samson Magnet Puzzle. Each child has their own magnetic board for this.

Samson Flip Chart. This flip chart is 20 pictures long. I may just have time (or their attention) for half of them tomorrow.

Move to Storytime area (floor)with Bibles

Pass out Bibles — talk about what the Bible is, who it came from and how we should treat it.

Do B-I-B-L-E activity.
God tells us about many exciting people in the Bible. Review Gideon briefly as well as Samson. Discuss judges and let them know that Gideon and Samson were judges.
Return Bibles to basket.

Flannelgraph story–I did something different with the flannelgraph. I took pictures of each scene with my digital camera. I put them on Print Master and listed the piece numbers. I also wrote a little script for each scene (in case my mind goes blank).

Samson Cheat Sheets PDF

I’m a Hero!
A Great Big Squeak (With pic of mice)
Hop! Goes the Frog (With pic of frog)


Review New Testament Books. Tomorrow I will finally take the hand pointer to class. Each child should get a chance to use it to point to the names of the NT books. The books are written on circles that are stapled to the wall to look like a worm. I’ll try to get a picture of it on here sometime.

Return to table.

Prayer — Using prayer box.

If time allows discuss manners during worship.

posted on November 6, 2005 12:00 AM

Samson The Nazirite Again

We’ve had a very busy week. We had a wonderful gospel meeting with RJ Stevens. I mentioned last week that I was having several for lunch on Sunday. We ended up having 18. It was a lot of fun.

Since we didn’t have Wednesday night Bible class, it’s been a whole week since the kids had a lesson on Samson. So, we are going to repeat last week’s lesson plan.

Last week went well. As I said in my last post, the flash card story is quite long. They sat very still and listened intently. But, I was left with not enough time to do the flannelgraph story. We’ll try to get it all in tomorrow.

I introduced the hand pointer last Sunday. It is really cute and kids really like it. I’ll try to get a picture of them using it for you to see.

My lesson plan is:

This Little Light Of Mine
Turn on candle. Remind them that as long as they are good the candle will stay on. If they misbehave, the candle goes out. This worked really well last month, so we’ll keep doing it.

Nazirite Flip Chart

Sing: Samson (Click here to hear/view the song Samson)

Samson Magnet Puzzle. Each child has their own magnetic board for this.

Samson Flip Chart. This flip chart is 20 pictures long. I may just have time (or their attention) for half of them tomorrow.

Move to Storytime area (floor)with Bibles

Pass out Bibles — talk about what the Bible is, who it came from and how we should treat it.

Do B-I-B-L-E activity.

God tells us about many exciting people in the Bible. Review Gideon briefly as well as Samson. Discuss judges and let them know that Gideon and Samson were judges.
Return Bibles to basket.

Flannelgraph story. I did something different with the flannelgraph. I took pictures of each scene with my digital camera. I put them on Print Master and listed the piece numbers. I also wrote a little script for each scene (in case my mind goes blank).

I’m a Hero!
A Great Big Squeak (With pic of mice)
Hop! Goes the Frog (With pic of frog)

Review New Testament Books. The books are written on circles that are stapled to the wall to look like a worm. Use the hand pointer to point to each of the books. Each child should get a chance to do this.

Return to table.

Prayer — Using prayer box.

If time allows discuss manners during worship. Last week we talked about going to the bathroom after class instead of going sometime during the worship service.

posted on November 12, 2005 9:04 PM

All’s Well With Samson

This morning’s class went well. Even though it was an exact copy of last week’s lesson. I did get to the flannelgraph story this time though.

The Samson song went over well also. When the part comes where they plucked Samson’s eyes eyes out, they like to shut their eyes real tight.

Wednesday night I hope to have the Honey Bee blacklight story from Palma Smiley ready. I also hope to find some honey with honeycomb locally for them to try. We’ll be talking about Samson’s riddle.

posted on November 13, 2005 5:37 PM

Samson’s Riddle

Tonight we will be discussing honeybees and how they make honey. Hopefully this will not only be interesting to the kids, but it will help them understand the riddle about the lion and the honey.

My lesson plan is:

This Little Light Of Mine
Turn on candle. Remind them that as long as they are good the candle will stay on. If they misbehave, the candle goes out. This worked really well last month, so we’ll keep doing it.

Honey Bee Black Light Story

Give the students some honey to taste. I tried to find honey with the honeycomb but couldn’t find it anywhere in town.

Sing: Samson (Click here to hear/view the song Samson)

Samson Flip Chart.

Move to Storytime area (floor)with Bibles

Pass out Bibles — talk about what the Bible is, who it came from and how we should treat it.

Do B-I-B-L-E activity.
God tells us about many exciting people in the Bible. Review Gideon briefly as well as Samson. Discuss judges and let them know that Gideon and Samson were judges.
Return Bibles to basket.

Flannelgraph story.

I’m a Hero!
A Great Big Squeak (With pic of mice)
Hop! Goes the Frog (With pic of frog)

Review New Testament Books. The books are written on circles that are stapled to the wall to look like a worm. Use the hand pointer to point to each of the books. Each child should get a chance to do this.

Return to table.

Prayer — Using prayer box.

If time allows discuss manners during worship. Last week we talked about going to the bathroom after class instead of going sometime during the worship service.

posted on November 16, 2005 6:44 PM

Samson Was Very Strong

Wednesday night was a great lesson. The Honeybee Black Light Story was a big hit. The flourescent colors were very vibrant. They really liked the honey and bread snack I gave them.

I’m feeling a little dry in the creativity department this week. Things have slowed down considerably. I think my brain decided to take a break also.

This week we will concentrate on how strong Samson was. In our flip chart the words “Samson was very strong” are repeated over and over. They are getting the idea. I want them to understand that Samson was stronger than even their daddy. I don’t have any grand plan to do this except to talk about it.

My lesson plan is:


This Little Light Of Mine
Turn on candle. Remind them that as long as they are good the candle will stay on.

Do Samson Magnetic Puzzles.

Sing: Samson (Click here to hear/view the song Samson)

Samson Flip Chart.

Move to Storytime area (floor)with Bibles

Pass out Bibles — talk about what the Bible is, who it came from and how we should treat it.

Return Bibles to basket.

Discuss how strong Samson was. Let the kids try picking up a chair, the table, push down the wall. Samson was so strong these things were easy for them.

Flannelgraph story.


I’m a Hero!
A Great Big Squeak (With pic of mice)
Hop! Goes the Frog (With pic of frog)

Review New Testament Books. Return to table.

Prayer — Using prayer box.

If time allows discuss manners during worship.

posted on November 19, 2005 10:31 PM

Samson Was Very Strong #2

Well, tomorrow is Thanksgiving. We are just staying home with the family, but with 7 of us, there is still a lot to do. I started cooking this afternoon. I have several pies to make
tonight (everyone has their own favorite) and tomorrow I will be making yeast rolls a couple of casseroles and the turkey.

All that just means I need to concentrate on my lesson for
tonight. We will be continuing the lesson from Sunday AM about
how strong Samson was. It wasn’t in the lesson plan, but I
introduced 6 sequencing pictures for them to put in order on the tree wall
(see Gideon Lesson Plan).

My lesson plan is:

This Little Light Of Mine
Turn on candle. Remind them that as long as they are good the candle will stay on.

Do Samson magnetic pictures.

Sing: Samson (Click here to hear/view the song Samson)

Talk about how rope is made. Samson was tied with new ropes
and was able to break them easily. If I had a gadget to make
rope, this would be a great activity, but I don’t. Instead, I
will take some rope, unravel some of it to show how easy it is to
break the individual threads but how strong it is when they are all
together. I’ll give each of them a piece about 6 inches long to
take home.

Samson Flip Chart.

Move to Storytime area (floor)with Bibles

Pass out Bibles — talk about what the Bible is, who it came from and how we should treat it.
Return Bibles to basket.

Flannelgraph story.

I’m a Hero!
A Great Big Squeak (With pic of mice)
Hop! Goes the Frog (With pic of frog)

Review New Testament Books. Return to table.

Prayer — Using prayer box. I haven’t gotten to the prayer
box lately, but since we have more time on Wednesday night, I will
try to make a point to get to it.

If time allows discuss manners during worship.

Samson Loses His Strength

We’ve had a pretty relaxing weekend. We didn’t go anywhere for Thanksgiving. We just hung around the house. It’s been really nice. It rained and rained all day today, so I took advantage of it and went to the resource room to work on the rest of Samson’s lessons and start Samuel (we’ll study him the month of December). We have 2 more classes of Samson.

The kids were really impressed with the rope activity we did Wednesday night.


My lesson plan is:

This Little Light Of Mine
Turn on candle. Remind them that as long as they are good the candle will stay on.

Do Samson magnetic pictures.

Sing: Samson (Click here to hear/view the song Samson)

Samson Flip Chart.

Move to Storytime area (floor)with Bibles

Pass out Bibles — talk about what the Bible is, who it came from and how we should treat it.
Return Bibles to basket.

Do the sequencing activity on the sequence trees (see Gideon Lesson Plans). I’ve been using 6 pictures that I just pulled out of the flip chart for this, but today I settled on 4, blew them up, laminated them and will use them for the sequencing activity.

Return to the table and do the individual sequencing activity. I reduced the 4 pictures from the previous activity and made a set for each child. The pictures are about the size of baseball cards. This way each child will get to sequence the entire story instead of just placing their picture in the right place.

Tell Samson’s story using the Snip and Tell book by Henley.

This is quite a lot of stuff. If time allows, do some of the following.

I’m a Hero!
A Great Big Squeak (With pic of mice)
Hop! Goes the Frog (With pic of frog)

Review New Testament Books.

Prayer — Using prayer box. I haven’t gotten to the prayer box lately, but since we have more time on Wednesday night, I will try to make a point to get to it.

If time allows discuss manners during worship.

posted on November 26, 2005 8:30 PM

Samson — Our Final Lesson

Well, tonight is our final lesson with Samson.

Sunday morning was a good class until about 10 minutes before it ended. My 2 year old had not been participating. That was fine. He was sitting quietly at the table. I should’ve known something was wrong:). While the rest of us were sitting on the floor doing or sequencing activity, he quietly came over and sat down on my lap. Then promptly threw up on us both. Needless to say, that put an end to my part of the class. Thankfully there was a grandma sitting in their with us. She took over while I took him home. He was fine in about an hour.

I did the Snip and Tell activity Sunday AM. The kids loved it. I’ve known I needed to give them a chance to “cut” Samson’s hair. So, tonight they will get their chance. I haven’t made them yet, but I will make paper doll figures to represent Samson. Then glue long yarn hair on his head. In class the kids will get to cut their Samson’s hair.

My lesson plan is:

This Little Light Of Mine
Turn on candle. Remind them that as long as they are good the candle will stay on.

Samson Flip Chart.

Do Samson Sequence Pictures (Small)

Sing: Samson (Click here to hear/view the song Samson)

Move to Storytime area (floor)with Bibles
Pass out Bibles — talk about what the Bible is, who it came from and how we should treat it.
Return Bibles to basket.

Review Samson with Flannelgraph.

I’m a Hero!
A Great Big Squeak (With pic of mice)
Hop! Goes the Frog (With pic of frog)

Return to the Table.

Tell Samson’s story using the Snip and Tell book by Henley.

Let the kids “cut” Samson’s hair.

If there is time do the Honeybee Black Light Story.

Pass out Dot-to-dot Samson Picture. Allow them to work on it class if there is time and they are interested. Otherwise, send it home with them.

Prayer — Using prayer box. I haven’t gotten to the prayer box lately, but since we have more time on Wednesday night, I will try to make a point to get to it.

posted on November 30, 2005 12:06 PM

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  1. Vicki

    In searching for fresh ideas for my Sunday School class I came upon your site and have found it quite interesting. I teach 4-5 year olds. How many do you have in your class? I like the idea of the honeybee story and sharing honey samples to help the kids have a more involved sense of the story. And making it more real to them.

    • admin

      I’m glad you stopped by. I have 5 regular students in my class right now.


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