The books of the Bible should be a part of every child’s memory work. Knowing the books of the Bible and the order they appear helps with Bible study. It helps when following along in a sermon. It helps when teaching others about God. One of the methods I’ve used to teach the books of the Bible is the interactive poster shown below.
The board is just a black poster board with white felt in the shape of opened pages of a book. A strip of ribbon glued down the center makes it look a little more authentic. The little cards have a picture representing the book and the name of the book. The cards are backed with the hook side of velcro. If you don’t have pictures to represent each book, the title of the book will be sufficient. Color coding the codes based on the type of book they are can be useful as well. For example, history cards get one color, poetry gets another, etc.
There are several ways to use this activity:
- Have the child place all the books in order on the board.
- Before class, place the cards in order but leave a few off. The child then puts the missing card in its correct place.
- Place all the New Testament cards on the board but occasionally have a book of the Old testament mixed in. The NT cards could be in order or random. The child then removes the OT books from the board. Of course, this could be done in reverse as well.
- Make labels with the divisions of the Bible — history, poetry, law, etc. Place these on the board. The child puts the cards under the correct label.
- Choose child to lead the class in reciting (or singing) the books. The lead child points to each book.
I’m sure there are other ways to use an activity like this. I’d love to hear your ideas for teaching the books of the Bible as well.
Thank very good
I use a similar method…spray paint large craft sticks labeled with Books of Bible…2 posters labeled with divisions & pockets for each can bring them to table to practice, mix them up in the pockets & have a team contest to see who can finish putting them in correct order the fastest…many fun ways to use…
Books of the Bible Activity- love your idea is can you share ur pictures?
I would love to but they are under copyright. They are also out of print. Here is a link to them on Amazon. They were sold through Scholastic as one of those “card sets a month” deals. My set has 3 boxes full but I know I don’t have them all. Wish I did. Beginner’s Bible Cards. You could just use the name of the book instead of a picture.
Nice new look! Thanks for sharing, I truly love your ideas for Bible class.
Thank you Silvia.
I am teaching a preschool class right now. I love your idea of the pencil boxes with the flannel on them. I was wondering where do you get your pieces to add to it each week?
I get them from a variety of places. Anything I can scan and reduce down in size. Betty Lukens Felts would be good but my favorite are the pictures in Palma Smiley’s To Toddlers With Love series. The pictures are very simple and can be colored before they are scanned into the computer.
Do you print them out on felt?
I’ve never printed on felt but that would be a great idea. I usually print on cardstock, laminate (or cover with clear contact paper)on one side and glue felt or flannel to the back.