Miracles of Jesus Lesson Plans

by | Jul 23, 2013 | Preschool | 2 comments

The following are the lesson plans I used to teach the preschool class.

This month we will be talking about miracles that Jesus did. The miracles we will be studying are:

  • Feeding the 5000
  • A Lame Man Walks
  • Calms the Storm
  • A Blind Man Sees
  • The 10 Lepers
  • Jesus Walks On The Water
  • Lazarus is Raised From The Dead
  • Feeding the 5000

Our first lesson will be on Jesus feeding the 5000. Thanks to my Toddler Box, I have some things ready to teach this lesson with.

My lesson plan is:

Sing: Jesus Loves Me and The B-I-B-L-E with sign language.

Attendance chart: The attendance chart came from Palma Smiley’s Sharing lesson. Each class session the children will glue a basket to their picture of Jesus feeding the 5000.

Introduction to lesson: The purpose of this activity is to see that once you’ve eaten something, you have less of it left, not more. This should help them see that Jesus did something no one else can do. I bought 5 loaves of bread (small sub sandwich size). I will take them in a basket to class. We will sit under our tree (on the wall) and eat the bread. While they eat the bread, I’ll tell the story using the flip chart from my toddler box. After the children have heard the story, and eaten the bread, we’ll see if we have more or less bread than when we started.

Return to seats.

Pass out Small Flannel graph boxes. There are figures in the boxes to encourage the children to retell the story. (Jesus, boy, apostle and 12 baskets).

Sing: Miracles of Jesus

Blacklight Story — Jesus Feeds The 5000

Pop-up Book. Our pop up book this month will obviously be about the miracles. This first page is a lift the flap page. When the final flap is lifted, the children will see a picture of 8 baskets of food under a tree. They will get to glue on the 4 baskets that finish out the story.

Retell story: I would like the children to tell the story to me if they want. I have a little doll that represents the boy that shared his food for each child. I will pass them out and see if I can get them to tell me some or all of the story. I’ve got a shy group, so this may be asking too much, but we’ll see.

Sing songs: The Bright Red Crab and Bumbling Bumble Bee or others of their choosing.

Review previous lessons with the Song Timeline.

End class with a prayer. Let each child that wants to say a prayer.

If there’s time talk about manners in the church building using the flashcards in the room.

A Lame Man Walks

Today’s lesson comes from Matthew 9:1-8. A man is brought to Jesus that can’t walk. Jesus tells the man to take up his bed and walk. The man does. There are aspects of this miracle that I won’t be getting into with my 3 and 4 year olds. There is a discussion with Jesus and some scribes where the scribes are accusing Jesus of blasphemy. I won’t be going into it. I want my kids to learn that Jesus had power to heal and Jesus had compassion on those that were sick.

My lesson plan is:

Sing: Jesus Loves Me and The B-I-B-L-E with sign language. Also sing My God Is So Big.

Review the last lesson (Feeding the 5000) using the black light.

Pass out Small Flannel graph boxes. There are figures in the boxes to encourage the children to retell the story. (Jesus, boy, apostle and 12 baskets).

Attendance chart: The attendance chart came from Palma Smiley’s Sharing lesson. Each class session the children will glue a basket to their picture of Jesus feeding the 5000.

Sing: Miracles of Jesus

Tell the story of Jesus heal the lame man using the visual aid picture. I wish I had a flip chart for this story, but at this time I don’t.

Pop-up Book. The pop up page for this lesson is a lift the flap. The lame man is on his bed (blanket) and Jesus is standing next to him. When the children lift the flap, the lame man is standing up. The children will get to glue a folded up “blanket” on the healed man’s hand.

Act out the story. Take a large towel to class. Let each child that wants to participate get a turn. The child will pretend to be lame and lay on the towel. Then either myself or one of the kids will tell the child to take up their bed and walk.

Sing songs: The Bright Red Crab and Bumbling Bumble Bee or others of their choosing.

Review previous lessons with the Song Timeline.

End class with a prayer. Let each child that wants to say a prayer.

If there’s time talk about manners in the church building using the flashcards in the room.

Jesus Calms The Storm

Tonight we will be studying about Jesus calming the storm. This is a great story, but I have had nothing but frustration getting it ready. Today our computer decided to be a snail. It is going so slow. I have so much of my lesson that I do on the computer.

On a happier note, I finally got a new digital camera. I hope to post pictures for this month and last month real soon.

My lesson plan is:

Sing: Jesus Loves Me and The B-I-B-L-E with sign language. Also sing My God Is So Big.

Review Jesus feeding the 5000 using the Blacklight story.

Let children retell story of the 5000 using the small flannelgraph boxes.

Sing: Miracles of Jesus

Tell the story (encourage children to participate) of the miracles studied so far using the flip chart pictures.

Add today’s lesson — Jesus Calms The Storm using the flip chart.

Magnetic Puzzle — Jesus Calms The Storm

Pop-up Book. The page for today’s lesson is a boat in the water. The children will be able to move the boat like it is in a storm. There is a figure of Jesus that they can take out of the boat. They can pretend he is sleeping, and then when they make him wake up , the storm ends. I’m going to have to get pictures of this one. That was a pretty lame description.

Attendance chart: The attendance chart came from Palma Smiley’s Sharing lesson. Each class session the children will glue a basket to their picture of Jesus feeding the 5000.

Sing songs: The Bright Red Crab and Bumbling Bumble Bee or others of their choosing.

Review previous lessons with the Song Timeline.

End class with a prayer. Let each child that wants to say a prayer.

If there’s time talk about manners in the church building using the flashcards in the room.

A Blind Man Sees

I have just spent a very uplifting weekend at Silsbee, TX. The congregation there has a singing school every year. My boys start begging to go about 6 months before it actually happens. So, we went. We sang and sang and sang. It was a good weekend. But, now, here it is Saturday night and I’ve got to get geared up for class tomorrow. I had already gotten the pop-up book page done and a friend is working on a magnetic puzzle, so all I have left to do is write out this lesson plan and get a good night’s sleep.

Our lesson tomorrow is on Jesus healing the blind man. I’m hoping to demonstrate blindness by turning out the lights for a little bit. This is a big deal in our classroom because there are no windows. When the lights are out, it’s dark. We’ll see if the kids are willing to do this. It should give them an idea of what being blind is like.

My lesson plan is:

Sing: Jesus Loves Me and The B-I-B-L-E with sign language. Also sing My God Is So Big.

Magnetic Puzzle — Jesus Heal The Blind Man

Sing: What is a Miracle?

Tell the story of the miracles studied so far using the flip chart pictures.

Turn out the lights (if the kids are willing). Let them experience total darkness. Talk about what it is like to be blind.

Add today’s lesson — Jesus Heals The Blind Man using the flip chart picture.

Pop-up Book. The page for today is a picture of a man’s face with the eyes and mouth cut out. A pull tab slides out to change the man from frowning and blind to smiling and seeing.

Attendance chart: The attendance chart came from Palma Smiley’s Sharing lesson. Each class session the children will glue a basket to their picture of Jesus feeding the 5000.

Sing songs: The Bright Red Crab and Bumbling Bumble Bee or others of their choosing.

Review previous lessons with the Song Timeline.

End class with a prayer. Let each child that wants to say a prayer.

If there’s time talk about manners in the church building using the flashcards in the room.

The 10 Lepers

Tonight’s lesson is Jesus healing the 10 lepers. This is an excellent lesson not only on the power of Jesus to heal, but also on the importance of saying thank you. I will stress tonight the importance of saying thank you to God, but we’ll also talk about saying thank you to everyone that does something for us.

Sunday AM we turned out the lights to illustrate what it was like to be blind. The kids tolerated it for a couple of seconds, then they began to let us know they were feeling a little scared. We got the lights back on before it got too bad. Like I said in my last post, when the lights are off in that room, it is dark.

Sunday AM I had some extra time, so we sang some songs I have used in the baby class: Tell Me Little Daisy, Dig a Little Hole, and Whatever I Will Be When I Grow Up. Two of the boys had never heard them and the other 2 had not heard them in a long time. They really enjoyed them. If we have time tonight we’ll sing them again.


My lesson plan is:

Sing: Jesus Loves Me and The B-I-B-L-E with sign language. Also sing My God Is So Big.

Magnetic Puzzle — Jesus Heals the 10 Lepers

Sing: Miracles of Jesus

Review the story of the miracles studied so far using the flip chart pictures.

Add today’s lesson — Jesus Heals The 10 Lepers using the flip chart picture.

Pop-up Book. The page for today is a lift the flap page. On the front is a picture Jesus and the 10 lepers. When they lift the flap, the 9 lepers are walking off in the distance. The kids will get to glue the thankful leper on the page close to Jesus.

Attendance chart: The attendance chart came from Palma Smiley’s Sharing lesson. Each class session the children will glue a basket to their picture of Jesus feeding the 5000.

Sing songs: The Bright Red Crab and Bumbling Bumble Bee or others of their choosing.

Review previous lessons with the Song Timeline.

End class with a prayer. Let each child that wants to say a prayer.

If there’s time talk about manners in the church building using the flashcards in the room.

Jesus Walks On The Water

Today’s lesson is on Jesus walking on the water. We are going to talk specifically about Him walking on the water, not about Peter trying and failing at it. Next month, we will be studying about Peter. We will then talk about Jesus walking on the water again and then we will talk about Peter’s role in the story.

My lesson plan is:

Sing: Jesus Loves Me and The B-I-B-L-E with sign language. Also sing My God Is So Big.

Magnetic Puzzle — Jesus Walks on the Water

Sing: Miracles of Jesus

Review the story of the miracles studied so far using the flip chart pictures.

Review the stories again using the pop-up book they’ve been making.

Add today’s lesson — Jesus Walks on the Water using the flip chart picture.

Pop-up Book. The page for today is a pull tab page. When the kids pull the tab, “Jesus” will “walk” on the water. As I’m writing this, it isn’t finished yet. Danny’s working on the illustrating and then I’ll figure out how to make it work.

Attendance chart: The attendance chart came from Palma Smiley’s Sharing lesson. Each class session the children will glue a basket to their picture of Jesus feeding the 5000.

Sing songs: The Bright Red Crab and Bumbling Bumble Bee or others of their choosing.

Review previous lessons with the Song Timeline.

End class with a prayer. Let each child that wants to say a prayer.

If there’s time talk about manners in the church building using the flashcards in the room.

Lazarus Is Raised From The Dead

A friend that used to teach this class of 3 and 4 year olds would tell me that she didn’t like to teach stories where people had died. She especially didn’t like teaching about Moses dying or Jesus dying. The class had spent several weeks studying these great men and she just hated to show these kids the hard side of life. I would kind of smile and wonder what her problem was. Now, I understand. It is hard to talk about death with this age child. Even though we haven’t gotten to know Lazarus yet, it will be a difficult lesson.
Thankfully, Lazarus comes back to life, but I don’t know if the kids will even understand that. My goal for this class is to once again show the power of Jesus. He could even raise someone from the dead.

This will be our last lesson the miracles of Jesus. It has been a joy to teach them to the kids. Next month we start studying about Peter.

My lesson plan is:

Sing: Jesus Loves Me and The B-I-B-L-E with sign language. Also sing My God Is So Big.

Magnetic Puzzle — Jesus Raises Lazarus From the Dead

Sing: Miracles of Jesus

Review the story of the miracles studied so far using the flip chart pictures.


Add today’s lesson — Jesus Raises Lazarus From The Dead using the flip chart picture.


Pop-up Book. I didn’t get finished with Sun AM’s popup book in time for class. It is now finished as well as the one for Lazarus. The children will get to take their books home tonight.

Attendance chart: Since there are only 7 class session this month, the kids just have 7 baskets on their picture of Jesus feeding the 5000. That will never do. They know that there were 12 baskets left over. I will let them glue enough baskets on their attendance chart to make 12 baskets.

Sing songs: The Bright Red Crab and Bumbling Bumble Bee or others of their choosing.

Review previous lessons with the Song Timeline.

End class with a prayer. Let each child that wants to say a prayer.

If there’s time talk about manners in the church building using the flashcards in the room.


  1. Marsha

    I love all these, how do I get them!

  2. Cathrine Meers

    Thank you so very much for sharing these creative ideas. The kids in my CE classes loved the pop-up books. You are a blessing!


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