The Story Of God’s People — The Flood

by | Apr 8, 2023 | 17 Time Periods | 0 comments

Our first lesson went well last week.  The kids were enthusiastic and receptive to the activities we did.  We were not able to get to everything that was planned (specifically singing our hymn) but that is so much better than running out of things to do.  The ultimate compliment came as we were cleaning up getting ready to leave one of the students said, “But the bell hasn’t rung yet.”  It had but he was so involved in the class he didn’t hear it.  I call that a win!

This week’s plan:

The Flood

Old Testament Books 

Last week we placed post it notes with a division (Law, History, Poetry, Major Prophets, Minor Prophets) written on each one.  The students located the first book of each division and placed the proper post it note.  We used Bibles that stay in the classroom so the post it notes will stay put.  Hopefully these will help the students as they begin to learn their way around the Old Testament.

I was able to find 5 baskets in our resource room that will work great for our Old Testament scrolls.  As we move through the Old Testament, the students will be able to place each book in its proper division.

Old Testament Books

Review Activity:

The Bible Story Bag was received with skepticism by  the students.  They thought it was for babies but when they chose their bag and then tried to tell me the story, they found it challenging.  We won’t be using it every week but they are a good kinesthetic activity while also requiring them to verbalize a familiar Bible story.

Sing: God Had a Plan by Glenda Schales

17 Time Periods:  Sing song using hand motions and flashcards.  I created a video to help my students and their parents learn the song and the hand motions at home.  It is unlisted on Youtube so if you’d like to see it you will have to follow this link: 17 Time Periods video.

Before the Flood: Review using the Complete Cycle Spiral from Creation to Revelation.

The Flood: Genesis 6-9 — Tell story with Bibles open and reading key verses together.  Add picture to bulletin board.

Each of the pictures found in the Complete Cycle Spiral have been printed about 2″X3″ and stapled to popsicle sticks.  Each week the students will place all of  them in the appropriate pocket on the bulletin board.  As time goes on, this will take quite a bit of class time.  It may need to be an activity done on Wednesday nights.

Hymn: This Is My Father’s World



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