Bulletin boards are an excellent way to introduce, teach and review a lesson. The bulletin boards on this page were used while teaching about God’s prophets in The New Living Bible Lessons series. Some, like Meet The Prophets and Important Words to Know, were used throughout the quarter. The project folder we made during this quarter along with all the other activities we did can be found here: God’s Prophets Project Folder. Meet The Prophets bulletin board is very simple to put together and could even be hand written but if you would like, you can print the PDF here. The students used a hand pointer to point to each prophet as we sang Glenda Schales’ prophets song. Any prophet song you know could be used.
Important Words To Know and Important Words definitions
Important Words To Know is a little more complicated but very doable. Each of the vocabulary words is on the front of a “matchbook” with the definition written inside. Like the bulletin board above, this one can easily be hand written or recreated on your computer but if you’d like to use my files you can print the pdfs found above. We used the vocabulary words throughout the quarter. As we ran across one of the vocabulary words in our lesson, the students wrote the definition of the words in their project folders. Here is the link to the Important Words to Know and Meet The Prophets‘ activity page that we used in our project folders.
God’s Plan of Salvation
God’s Plan of Salvation bulletin board is one that can be kept all the time if desired. It was used frequently during this study as the prophets taught the Israelites that there was coming something better — true salvation. It demonstrates in a simple way for young children to understand the things God requires us to do if we want to be His children — Christians. Of course, the children in this class are very young (early elementary) and are just now beginning to learn the truths found in God’s word. As they grow and learn, they will learn and understand that this process is more than just “following the steps”. They will learn that God requires us to do all these things but that it is only the beginning of our journey.
During class, we discussed the each of things listed on the steps, they wrote the passage in their project folder and we sang the Steps To Salvation song. We used red and white pipe cleaner people to represent the passage in Isaiah 1:18 — “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” As we sang the song, the students enjoyed taking a red pipe cleaner person and moving him up the steps. When he arrived at the top, they switched him out with a white pipe cleaner person. Sometimes it’s the little things that leave a lasting impression on our students. The rest of the bulletin boards were all on the same board. We have a nice large board that would have allowed another topic or two added if I had planned better.
The students have spent time learning the books of the Old Testament before so this activity was a good review. Each sack holds scrolls for that particular division of the Old Testament. Each of the scrolls were made with two dowels with a strip of newsprint wrapped like a scroll. They each have a label attached with a pipe cleaner. This activity can be used in many different ways. The most obvious would be to empty the bags on the table and let the students place them scrolls back in the correct bag. As we studied more of the prophets, we emptied the two prophets bags on the table. The students took turns choosing a prophet and telling something about him, then decided if he was a major or minor prophet.
The scroll and the bible were used while studying the prophet Jeremiah. After discussing the differences in the Old Law and New Law, the students took turns choosing a card with a fact about one of the laws. He then decided which law it described and pinned it in the appropriate place. They were then ready to complete the activity about the Old Law / New Law. The following statements are what I put on the cards:
Old Law:
- Jesus lived during this law.
- Animal sacrifices offered daily.
- For Jews only.
- Found in the Old Testament.
- Given to Moses on Mt Sinai.
New Law:
- Found in the New Testament.
- For everyone.
- Given to the apostles by the Holy Spirit.
- Began after Jesus died.
- Jesus sacrificed once for our sins.
Happy Are The People Bulletin Board
The happy face and sad face pictures were used while studying about Ezekiel in lesson 7. The suggested memory verse for that lesson was from Psalm 114:15 — “Happy are the people whose God is the Lord!”. The pictures represent children who are doing things that please God which in turns bring happiness and children who are doing things that does not please God bringing sadness.
The pictures were placed on the table and the children took turns choosing a picture, deciding whether it pleased God or not and pinning it to the correct face — happy or sad. After completing the bulletin board activity, they were then ready to do the individual activity found here: Happy Are The People. You can use your own pictures or save a little time and print the ones found in the PDF found above.